The journeys program has many resources. However, I wanted to make things that I could use in addition to their program. I took a few of the activities that we learned in training and put them to use with the Journeys program. Here is a breakdown of what the packet includes:
Pages 2-8 Words to Know. This includes the words on printable word cards that the students can use to play a game or practice at home. It also has a leveled accountability sheet.
Page 9- Main Idea Sheet
Pages 10-14 Journal Writing and Prompts for writing
Pages 15-17 Leveled Noun Sheets
Pages 18-20 Words to Read One Minute Speed Drills
Pages 21-27 Irregular Words Activity- This is a technique that was at CC.
Pages 28-29 Questioning sheet to glue into their Reading Response Journals
Pages 30- 33 Looking Back.- Students look back to their Leveled Readers to find information. This is a very useful skill for first graders.
Pages 34-52 Word Sort and Leveled recording sheets
53- Word bank
Page 54- Listening Sheet
* Pages 34-54 are from my other Short a pack. I added it to this one.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear feedback. I would love to know if you like it or not and what things you would like to see added or changed. Click the picture to download: