Saturday, February 25, 2012

WOW! Thank you to all of my new followers!

I am so thankful to have new followers. I am new to blogging and I am so excited about doing this! Thank you so much for supporting me and for following my blog. I <3 you guys! It has been a rough exciting week lol and I needed this!

My wonderful kiddos have continued learning about adjectives this week. I found an idea from the Inspired Apple (LOVE LOVE LOVE her ideas) for adjective boats and decided to make them for my students. THEY LOVED THEM!I have included the freebie pattern for the boat on my TPT website. Click to download the preview to get it. I am sorry that my freebies are still so basic. The cute clipart requires a license to make freebies and I just can't afford that yet :) (Hopefully with enough sales of my products I will be able to!)

This is my hall display. It is very basic and I am not very artistic lol...but it works.

This really catches the students attention for some reason. Other classes stop to look at it as they pass haha

Click the picture to check out my wonderful sorting practice for a work work center. You can download the preview to get the freebie of the boat pattern that my students used to make their boats. :) Please let me know what you think. It will help me!


  1. Welcome to blogging. I am your newest follower. Love your darling blog!

    1. Thank you so much! I am so happy to have you as a follower!
